I was inspired to write this blog through my relationships with other mom’s or becoming new moms. As we venture into the world of motherhood, we ask questions, observe other mothers, or read books to understand this world we are going into. Is there a right or wrong way?
The other night I was talking to a good friend and telling her how much I have learned in the area of comparing and judging other mom's to my own "ways". I told her that one day I had another mom mirror what I had been doing to other moms to me, and how it made me feel so insecure. Then I felt the Lord smile.....YES...HE SMILED....and I realized just why he allowed that to happen....Thank you LORD! Thank you for showing me how ugly I was being. Sometimes....Okay lets be honest....most of the time we are comparing our kids learning abilities to other kids their age, or sizing them up to make sure they are growing healthy and strong. Then there is the other extreme ....judging. "Wow I can't believe her child did that, mine will never be like that!" Or...."My child sleeps through the night and yours still does not???" Oh the lists go on and on.
It is so important that no matter what book you read or whatever inspiring mom you learn from.....you will be unique and different....You will be YOU! You will have your own ways that work for you and your growing family! Most importantly....every mom is different in their needs. Some may be flexible and have no need for schedules! Other moms may need structure and order to stay sain! Some may even be questioning everything they are doing, b/c they really don't know what to do. Every way is OKAY! There is no perfect way....there is no perfect child. Be okay to continue learning....be okay to test things out....be okay to be free to be who you are and mother like you want....be you and be happy....whatever makes life better for you....do it! Don't allow the judgments of others to make you feel less than who you are. God made you specifically to parent the children he gave you! He will give you the wisdom to teach and raise them, and the grace to do it all, just ask Him!
Enjoying Motherhood one day at a time.....
"Where will our country find leaders with integrity, courage, strength—all the family values—in ten, twenty, or thirty years? The answer is that you are teaching them, loving them, and raising them right now." --Barbara Bush
What it's about:
In my blog I will be sharing insight to the world of motherhood through my eyes. Giving practical and spiritual encouragement through my experiences. I will share precious moments and thoughts that have stirred me to stay focused on what is important in life....loving my children and allowing them to experience God. I LOVE BEING A MOM....but I also love that along the way I can help others enjoy it as much as I do!